Q: How long will the appointment take?
A: Every client’s brow situations are different, however plan on your appointment taking around two to three hours.
Q: How long will it take for my brows to heal?
A: Some residual swelling is normal for all procedures. Typically, there is very minimal swelling. Most swelling occurs on day 1-3. A needle was placed in your skin, there will be swelling; how much is individualized. The color will fade/soften anywhere from 10%-50% or more, after a 5-7 day time frame. The area may appear uneven, dry, itchy, tender, red & irritated. This is all 100% normal. These symptoms will dissipate each day and vary on an individual basis. DO NOT RUB, SCRATCH OR PICK AT THE TREATED AREA. Let any scabbing, flaking or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring or infection. At the touch up, we will fine-tune any area that has faded too much. Healing is specific to each client. Once your procedure has healed, you are allowed to wear makeup on top of your permanent cosmetics if it is needed.
Q: How many sessions will it take to do my brows?
A: A touch up session is required after the first appointment. Plan on scheduling your second session within the first 6-8 weeks. If the second session is scheduled past 8 weeks, you may be charged additional fees. After the second session, your brows are typically one. However, there are no guarantees made as to the final outcome. Your skin, lifestyle and after care, play a huge roll in your results. Everyone heals differently. Not everyone is a candidate for the Hair Stroke procedure.
Q: Can I put anything on my brows after I get them done?
A: Avoid water, lotions, cleansers, and creams on the treated area for 14 days.
Q: Can I go swimming after I get my brows done?
A: No swimming until the area is completely healed. Salt water/chlorine will cause the pigments to fade or change in color.
Q: How long does it last?
A: Your aftercare is the most important part in getting your brows done. Typically, you will need a color boost every 6mo to 1 year to maintain it's fresh natural appearance. Fading will happen after each procedure. We do not have control over your bodies healing process. Hair strokes do fade the fastest out of all the techniques. If you are out in the sun a lot, have oily skin, use anti-aging creams, Retin-A/retinol products, acidic cleansers, natural elements, regular chemical peels, or exercise frequently, your permanent makeup will fade prematurely. The better you take care of the treated area and follow the provided aftercare, the longer it will last. Permanent makeup is an art, not a science. Client’s results will vary and using a pencil or powder may or may not still be needed.
Q: How does exercise (gym,yoga,indoor/outdoor activities,etc.) affect my prodcedure?
A: If you work out regularly (5-7 days a week), your eyebrows WILL fade very fast due to the production of salt. Salt is in sweat, which can pull out your color. NO SWEATING/ no exercise is allowed for the first 7-11 days of healing. If these rules are not followed there may be an additional charge for additional sessions that are needed. They WILL appear more powdered or blurred under the skin as well. However, once everything is healed you may continue normal work out routine.
Q: How do I know I will like the shape after they are tattooed?
A: The Shape is drawn on before making anything permanent. This is the time to clearly express your desired shape and make sure that you love the shape that has been drawn on for you. Once the shape is approved, that template will be followed to a T.
Q: I am taking fish oil pills. Will this affect my permanent cosmetic procedure?
A: Yes, you must be off of fish oil for at least two weeks prior to the procedure.
Q: Can I go tanning?
A: You cannot have a tan 15 days before the procedure and absolutely NO SUN/HEAT 15 days before and 15 days after the procedure. (This includes going out in sun with a hat and glasses on. If you resume tanning after the procedure, the results may/may not fade quicker, heal darker, fade super fast or not retain at all. Tan skin bleeds, heals poorly and colors will not heal properly. Going out in the sun too soon can ruin results of the procedure.
Q: Should I wear makeup on my brows to my appointment?
A: You may come with or without makeup on before your appointment. It is easier for your artist to get a good visual of how you like to wear your makeup. So either come with your makeup on or bring a picture of how you like to wear it. This helps put both of you on the same page.
Q: If I’ve had previous brow work done, will my new work cover it?
A: Hair strokes over top of a brow that needs correcting, may not completely cover previous work. If you have had your brows done before, depending on how much they have faded, how much of the original shape is being altered, and the tone of the color of the previous brow, will depend on how much the new brows will provide coverage. You may need a brow correction of your previous work, in order for the new work to not be affected.
Q: Can I get permanent cosmetics if I am pregnant?
A: We do not perform permanent cosmetics on any one who is pregnant. No Exceptions.
Q: If I have any scars or experienced any head trauma in the brow area, will my permanent cosmetic procedure cover this?
A: Permanent Cosmetics will not be placed over any type of thick scar tissue.
Q: Can I get a permanent cosmetic procedure if I have heart conditions, pace Maker/Defibrillator?
A: No. No exceptions.
Q: What type of medications can affect my procedure?
A: If you are on any of these medications, you will bleed and the pigment WILL NOT retain: Triflusal (Disgren), Clopidogrel (Plavix), Prasugrel (Effient), Ticagrelor (Brilinta), Ticlopidine (Ticlid), Cilostazol (Pletal), Vorapaxar (Zontivity), Dipyridamole (Persantine), Coumadin, Pradaxia (dibigatran), Xarelto (rivaraxaban), Eliquis (apixaban), Savaysa (edoxaban)
Q: If I have Alopecia (hair loss due to autoimmune disease), will this affect my procedure?
A: Hair strokes may appear more blurred or blended.
Q: If I have Eczema, Psoriasis or Dermatitis in or around the brow area, will it affect my procedure?
A: Because these skin diseases may cause constant flaking, itching, irritation, shedding of skin, the hair stroke method would not be the best option for you, as the color will fade out much quicker. The powder fill method may be a more suitable option.
Q: If I have oily or severely oily skin, how will this affect my procedure?
A: The hair strokes will appear more blended, solid or not retain well or even at all.
Q: What if I have large pores on my forehead & in the brow area? How will it affect my procedure?
A: Ultimately, the pigment will blur/blend in large pores looking powdered.
Q: If I have a platelet disorder or aggregation disorder, how will it affect my procedure?
A: An aggregation disorder is when platelets do not bind with fibrinogen and other proteins in order to stick to other platelets. As a result the platelets cannot form a plug to stop the bleeding from a damaged blood vessel.
Q: What if I have moles/raised areas in or around the brow area?
A: Pigment will not be put into anything raised.
Q: How will my deep wrinkles in the brow area affect the outcome of y brows?
A: With microblading, the hair strokes will not lie properly in the creases, giving the brow an uneven look.
Q: Can I get microblading if I have had a hair transplant for my eyebrows?
A: No; the pigment will not take in the scar tissue where the plugs were placed.
Q: Can I get my eyebrows done if I have severe Rosacea?
A: Because there is severe reddening of the face, it is not recommended to get permanent cosmetics on the face.
Q: What happens if my skin type is Fitzpatrick Skin type 1?
A: Due to hypersensitivity, red heads/white skin/light eyes, will not take to the pigment well.
Q: Can I get a permanent cosmetic procedure if I have been on Accutane?
A: Accutane is very strong acne medicine. You must be off of this for at least 6 months. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Q: Can I get a permanent cosmetic procedure if I have an autoimmune disorder of any kind (MS, RA, Lupus or the like)?
A: Due to the medicines to treat these diseases, pigment will not retain, and ultimately you are not a good candidate for this procedure.
Q: Will my brows be perfect after I get them tattooed?
A: Remember, no two sides of the face are the same. Perfection is our goal, but note that nothing is PERFECT. We try to make them as symmetrical as we can. We measure and mark to try to get them as symmetrical as we can.
Q: What if there is anything I want to change about my brows after they are done?
A: It is very important to make sure that you express any shape/ color changes that you wish to have made in the first and second session. If a 3rd session is required to make last min changes there will be an additional charge.
Q: Can I get my brows done very light and natural?
A: A lot of times clients come in wanting light and conservative because they are nervous when this is not how they are normally wearing their makeup every day. Once they see the results and feel more comfortable then they like to go darker and thicker. This is all ok and understood that some want to start out conservative. Just please be aware that if significant changes are made in the second session this will result in needing a third session. There will be an additional charge for any sessions after the first two sessions.
Q: How do I take care of my brows after I get them done?
A: You will keep a thin layer of Aquaphor on the treated area for 14 days. Absolutely no water on them, no sun, no sweating, no exercise or exertion of any kind after the procedure for 7-11 days. Avoid direct shower water on the treated area after the procedure. Absolutely NOTHING on the treated area; no water, no makeup, lotions, pencil, etc. for 7-11 days. Avoid scrubbing the treated area for at least 11 days.
Q: Can I touch my brows after I get them done?
A: In order to minimize the risk of infection, only touch the treated areas with squeaky-clean hands during the healing process.